- So, now we're in september, I have been through
above and some more (some Metallica-Shows indoor, with a center stage,
we used 108 Milos and a great Bass setup of 40 HP-700,check out the
pics) and right now I am doing a small show on a truck-fair in my
hometown. So I might maintain this page a bit better than usually for
the next week or so.
- A very tragic incident lays a dark cloud over these
Harvey Janssen, a guy, I know since 1980, monitor engineer of a bunch
of famous german and international acts and project director for
Westfalensound over the last year, lost a long and brave fight against
his cancer and peacefully passed away a few deys ago. He will not be
forgotten, I can promise that.
- Right now I am back to Detroit after a four year
break, and
it feels , like I never left. Plus surprisingly it is warmer here than
in Germany
- After several years I am working on the Cebit again,
is the biggest computer fair in the world and it is happening in my
- Wow, I havn't updated this for a long time. :-) After
annual shareholders' meetings, right now I am on tour with probably the
most expensive horses of the world, the lipizzaners of the "spanische
Hofreitschule" from Vienna.
- And there's a bit of Tom Gaebel from time to time
- Now we are in the beginning of june (time flies, i
believe it), and for the first time since 1994 I am on the road with
Peter Maffay, whom you english speaking people will not know, but he is
a big arena star in germany. My job could be nice and simple, I have to
bring in a Diigoco D5 and get it to work , that's it. Exept my stomach
always hurts, when I have to work with Digico, desks.
- You are surprised by the new outfit of this page,
finally looks professional ? Well thanks to my friend Tommi, who
couldn't stand it anymore, so he took care about it. Great job. You
find a link on the links page.
- Not so much new stuff these days apart from the fact,
I have started working in a studio. I have a lot of fun there, I
started making a bit of music myself again and I am quite a good
ProTools operator since then, also I'm learning Logic, so I can easily
make professional Live-Recordings. You find a link on the "link" page.
- And I participated in a guitar solo contest, check it
out :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwZb8vCLHV4
- I just did a three--day metal festival, and whoever
to offer me a double kickdrum in the next weeks, is in trouble. But on
the upside, it was just nice to work on a H 3000 again,
it felt
like coming home. If I just had had a decent band to mix....but you
can't have everything, can you.
- Ijust did a show with Donna Summer, I didn't even
know, she was still around, but wow, what a strong voice. Impressing !!
- At the "Rockharz"- Festival, I had met the band "Die
Schröders" again, a band, I used to work for about ten years
But now they phoned me a few days ago, and we play a show together on
thursday in Switzerland, that is gonna be big fun. Except, that I am
suffering from a light stomach infection and have to stay away from
both coffee and alcohol. But I'll make the best out of it.
- What a cool festival that was, "Freaktal" -Festival
Switzerland, It's a pity, it will be the last of it's kind. Not only
did they have the coolest backstage-passes of all times (made out of
plexiglas), the whole atmospere was sooo great and all the people there
were really really nice.

- Also this was the first time, I got to use the
Kling&Freitag "Sequenza" (their new Line Array). I won't say
much about it, it sounded nice and came reasonably far , but Open Air
is easy. We'll see, what it does indoors.
- Now I do finally have a profile on myspace. As yet, I
don't really know, why, but everyone says, it's crucial. Well, we'll see
- I am not gonna mention any names, but nowadays, you
loose shows, because sombody does them FREE OF CHARGE. Can
believe that ? But its true. It is about time, that people like that
- Since a couple of days, I am one of a few SD7
oparators in
Germany, but that takes some guts.Right now, I am in a small
village in the mountains of harz, and tomorrow I have a symphony
orchestra and on sunday all kinds of things, lets see, what this
console does. I'll keep you posted.
- Well, the festival is over, the console kept
and it was fun working on it plus it sounds great, unless you've got to
mix the worst local heroes in the whole world on it. If only that
little knot in the stomach would disapear, that gets delivered with
each Digico desk.
- Finally, the first CD, that I mixed, is finished and
will be on sale on the 23.10.2009. This is the link to the webpage of
the band: http://www.ladwigmusic.com
- Here are a few youtube-links to shows, that I've
mixed, so you can see, that I can take care about all kinds of music:
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVbR1XOACH4&feature=related
( Krypteria )
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBftgha2Ewc (Carl Carlton)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZQY2rL89Fk (Lord Of The Rings
(Tom Gaebel)
(Die Schröders)
- By the way, I am now armed for 32 channel live recordings
- Right now , I am working on a huge union event in my hometown Hannover. Again I have to use a D5, after
successfully escaping Digico-desks for some years, they don't seem
to let me be at the moment. But after some socket file operations, it
behaves since several days !. I am on the second balcony
and I don't hear very much up there. If I would come here with a band,
I would heavily complain about the accoustical circumstances.
Funny enough, one of my own bands comes to play here
tomorrow, so I will have to stand opposite to a mirror and shout at myself.
- At the moment I am doing a festival, which is brandnew and
they try to establish it. In fact is two festivals, taking place on two
weekends in a row in a hotel resort at the east sea. The first one is
called "Rolling Stone Weekender" and I have Bands like The Editors and
Flaming Lips, not really shure about the Line Up on the small stages.
Next weekend is more like a Gothic- Festival, no idea, how they named
it yet. The idea about the whole thing is, that you book a weekend in
this resort including tickets for the festival (otherwise it would be
stupid, to stay here and stand all that noise. Anyway, for the second
time this year I get got work on a H3000 again, which is getting rare,
and I'm enjoying it.
- I guess, many of you were always wondering, why I would
never write a date in front of my postings. You know what, your're
absolutely right and this is gonna change right now. (I am gonna use
the european way, though, but I am shure, my friends in the US can
handle that.)
- 19.12.2009 So after a short tour with a german comedian and
a Gala with a german Rockband, the year is pretty much done. Today
Ladwig plays on a christmas party of their management, for this
occasion I get to use a Allen&Heath iLIve. Will be interesting,
some say, that desk is not so bad. So merry x-mas and a happy new year
for all of you, relax and calm down a bit during the season, next year
will be no easier.
- 25.01.2010 Happy New Year everyone. The new year started
for me, just like the last one ended, I'm working for Peter Maffay. I
havn't written for a while, because after upgrading to Snow Leopard (if
you're not a apple user, don't worry, if you don't know, what that is
:-) ) my html program wouldn't work, and since I also lost my
Internet-USB-Stick, I only had the evenings in the hotel to check for
new programs to use, but now I'm there. Right now we are rehearsing
with Band and orchestra in a old studio in East-Berlin, which
appearantly is world famous for the accoustic environment, AHA and the
Black Eyed Peas have been recording some things here. I will put in
some pics of old east german charme.
- 28.01.2010 So, yesterday we had the show, I just got home.
It was a big event, but it was fun and it was nice, check out the
- 02.04.2010 A few month have passed, since I wrote anything here, that
is, because I had to move to another server, but also, since I spend
the last five weeks in Barcelona, working for Audi. I had Internet
Access there, but it was far too slow to upload an entire webpage, and
also, as mentioned before, I didn't have the ftp-details.
- 02.04.2010 So, what's next.... A few days with Bernd Stelter, that
german comidian, you remember, and right after that, I have to go to
Beijing for the Audi pressconference. I'll keep you posted
- 02.05.2010 Did I say "right after that "? That didn't
really work out, thanks to the volcano. I was four days late, but I
still got the job done. Apart from that, if I don't ever have to go to
Bejing again, that is fine by me. The only nice thing was to visit the
"forbidden city".
- 01.07.2010 I havn't been writing anything new for a while,
that ist, because there wasnn't all too much exiting stuff happening
recently. Over the summer, I am doing some shows with "Adoro", which
is fivev classical singers with band and orchestra. The challenge
is, to handle those 80 Input-Channels. Apart from that, it is mostoy
summer break. A little fixed installation on the one side, and on the
other, a new studio is rising, thats exiting.
- 09.08.2010 Gradually my live recording work emerges, we'll see, how that goes.

- 05.11.2010 I haven't been writing here for quite a while,
one reason is the fact, that I dicovered facebook, but also, there was
not so much, that would have been worth putting it in here. Right now,
I find myself in a "corporate show-overkill". Right after the
"Autosalon" in Paris, I started prepping the launch of the " e-letter"
of the german post, and the same day, I finished the load-out of the
last show, I drove straight to Berlin, where I still am busy with a
Microsoft- trade show.
- 21.11.2010 Well, this morning I was prepared for some time
off, and now I am sitting in the train, heading towards munich to take
over the FOH-position for Davi Garrett until thursday.... thats life as
a soundengineer :-)
- 21.12.2010 Someone must have heard my prayers, just like
right now, I am gonna have two weeks in january out of the snow in
qatar for work...Hurrrreeyyy
- 05.01.2011 Qatar and Prague for a start, seems to turn out as a "travel- abroad-year", even more than the others.
- 23.02.2011 I realize, that I write very little on this
page. That is, because I am pretty convinced, that everbody, who reads
this, is also a facebook-friend of mine, and there I write a lot more.
Dunno, if I am right, gotta think about it.
- Now it is been quite a while, since I was writing anything
in here, I have been pretty busy with several festivals and shows and
this is going until august. Then I do have a show mixing Anna Netrebko,
one of the worlds Top opera singers, looking forward to that.
- 07.08.2011well well, that was indeed a interesting show,
went well, but was not easy, Anna Netrebko with a Bariton and a Tenor
in a partially fairly chaotic concert. Plus it was a looooong day.
- 28.10.2011 Yes I know, I have become really lazy in
maintaining this site, but I have been more than busy and whenever I
had something to say, I said it on facebook. I had some interesting
jobs, like "autosymphonic" in Mannheim, check youtube for clips.
- Wow, for more than a year I haven't been writing anything
here, that comes to show you, how much the exchanging of news and
gossip has moved to facebook. Anyway, since this month I am the new foh
of David Garrett, that fills up my November and for the upcoming year
the tour will fill up all of may and june.
- Seems, like I get into the habbit of writing something here
on a yearly basis. But actually, nothing really stunning happened in
the meantime, apart from the fact, that I got a video on event
elevator, where I talk about David Garrett and the new Meyer LEO
systems, its in german
- Meanwhile we have 2017 so I guess it is time to write a
little update after all this time. Since the middle of last year I have
a side job, working for "The Audio Specialists" Apeldoorn, which is a
dutch distributor. I am responsible for Cadac desks and clair brothers
products in germany. So in a few days a little demo tour through
germany is about to take off.